The Satoshi Airlines ecosystem will have two tokens that are deployed on the Polygon blockchain.

Earning JET Tokens

Users earn JET tokens through the Satoshi Reward App’s Travel-to-Earn mining reward system. The system rewards Airplane NFT owners with JET tokens when they reach their travel destination and have used the Satoshi Airline app. It is important to note that the JET token amount users can receive will vary depending on their Airplane NFT Card level. Higher-level cards will give more JET tokens while lower ones will have inferior rewards.

JET Token: Governance Token

  • JET tokens are used as the governance token in the ecosystem.

  • Users can utilize JET tokens to participate in governance. These include deciding staking reward rates, possible voting features in the future, and more. *Users who have staked their tokens longer will acquire a higher JET voting power.

Token Name

Satoshi Airline

Token Symbol



500,000,000 JET







Token Distribution.

Travel to earn


Ecosystem / Treasury














Travel to earn : 30% This will be the vault from which rewards are given to Satoshi Airlines users for flying with Satoshi Apps. Each time you travel with an NFT card, you will be rewarded with JE tokens.

Ecosystem / Treasury: 25% JET ecosystem treasury tokens are reserved for marketing and strategic partnerships. The ecosystem tokens will also serve as a reserve for the travel to earn rewards after the 10th year. The platform is designed in such a way that no new coins have to be mined, meaning the number of coins will not increase. This protects against dilution in value. In the future, the Treasury may serve as the main source of income for the platform; in this case, Satoshi Airlines would consolidate all coins to the Treasury and users would be able to continue earning coins through the Satoshi Reward App. ​

Private Seed Sale: 15% Early adopters wishing to get in on Satoshi Airlines early can acquire JET tokens at the cheapest price possible.

Team: 10% Allocating a percentage of JET tokens to the team means our commitment to the cause will be incentivized. As we build a top-notch product, our coins will increase in value. 10% of the total supply will be reserved for our team members for long-term growth. The team tokens will be locked for a year to be released for a number of years.

Advisors: 3% 3% of the JET token supply will be reserved for our business partners to properly align our ideas and values for short- and long-term growth. We will distribute tokens over a number of years to incentivize long-term vision among our team and partners over short-term gains. ​

Last updated